[Users] Compiling failure on Mac with Apple Silicon M2 chip

Yufeng Luo brookluo34 at hotmail.com
Wed May 10 13:22:52 CDT 2023


I was trying to compile ET_2022_11 on a M2 Macbook Pro machine, but I got an error. I attached my compilation output below. 
It seems that the general configuration script correctly recognized my machine with a aarch64 (line 50) processor, but when compiling openSSL thorn (line 2933) the compilation script incorrectly marked the machine as i686. My understanding is that apple silicon (M1) is now supported in the newest version of ET (2022 11). Since M1 and M2 have the same ARMv8 architecture, I was wondering if there is an error in openSSL thorn? Thank you.

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