[Users] meeting minutes for 2023-11-09

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Thu Nov 9 09:56:42 CST 2023

Present: Roland, Peter, Steven, Leo, Sam, Zach

CarpetX failure due to non-threads safe flesh

* Cactus flesh is not thread save, but is called from multi-threaded
  context in CarpetX
* this causes a SEGFAULT, but only during PreSyncOnly mode
* ticket is https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2762
* this needs to be fixed before the release

ET release

* SGRID test has been updated and passes on CI and local machine
* Sam has drafted announcement email
* Collecting authors for contributing 
* Peter is running tests on sunrise, most ACCESS-CI machines not yet
* Debroah Ferguson will run BBH gallery example
* Roland will poke local students
* Peter ran into issues with ExternalLibraries/ADIOS and
  ExternalLibraries/MPI not picking up the mpicc wrapper. Roland says
  that ExternalLibraries/MPI is a measure or last resort, and he would
  avoid it unless no other option is possible

Springer book

* Sam and Leo will look into it
* Steve volunteers to contribute

Running ET on Arm64

* Roland reports he could successfully compile on his Arm64 box at home
  (TV Set-top box using Debian)
* two failing tests: MemSpeed (aborts due to not recognising memory
  layout it seems, maybe hwloc), ML_BSSN_NewRad (numerical comparison

BitBucket account restrictions

* resolved for einsteintoolkit and cactuscode
* still in existence for Simfactory, needs action by Frank Loeffler

Simfactory restructuring

* Zach suggests that parts of simfactory may be split of and moved into
  the main build system of Cactus as a configure script or option list
* currently we are lacking good directions on the website on how to
  compile, should be close to download page
* would want to streamline download and build system for new users
* Zach suggests to have requirements shown from simfactory like tool

Open tickets
* https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2757 still needs
  to be fixed since it makes building fail unless Python's request is
* https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2755 Roland will
  accepts this bug fix

Next chair: Zach
Next minutes: Sam

My email is as private as my paper mail. I therefore support encrypting
and signing email messages. Get my PGP key from http://pgp.mit.edu .
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