[Users] Help with Cactus Tutorial (updating fuka and building toolkit)

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Tue Nov 7 09:27:23 CST 2023

Hello Delaney,

> Warning: Could not update fuka. Could not stash local changes. Error
> message was 'error: open("codes/FUKAv1_Solvers/BBH/compile"):
> Permission denied
> fatal: Unable to process path codes/FUKAv1_Solvers/BBH/compile
> Cannot save the current worktree state

This is a git error that occurs if there are local changes tot the
checked out fuka repository. If you did not yourseslf make changes then
something corrupted the files.

> From there, I'm unable to build the toolkit, resulting in errors like:
> CST error in /home/dfarrell/Cactus/lib/sbin/CST (at 319)
>   -> Missing thorn WVUThorns_Diagnostics/VolumeIntegrals_vacuum  
> ------------------------------------------------------
> make[1]: *** [/home/dfarrell/Cactus/lib/make/make.configuration:213:
> /home/dfarrell/Cactus/configs/sim/config-data/make.thornlist] Error 1
> make: *** [Makefile:264: sim] Error 2

Since GetComponents failed there may well be some thorns missing.

On the tutorial server your fasted way to recover this is is likely to
wipe your Cactus tree and start from scratch. Namely running:

rm -rf ~/Cactus ~/GetComponents ~/einsteintoolkit.th

in a notebook cell should remove the full Cactus tree, GetComponents
and the downloaded thornlist and let you start from scratch.


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