[Users] meeting minutes for 2024-06-20

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Thu Jun 20 09:28:11 CDT 2024

Present: Roland, Steve, Lucas, Peter, Keith, Sam, Zach

ET release

* Steve is running tests on LSU machines
* draft of ET release announcement in
* will confirm with champions that all those who contributed to the
  contributed code and the release are recorded

kuibit release

* will try to include in release
* major update is reading openPMD files, as output by CarpetX

ET CI tests failing

* Roland provided an update on issue with CI server, due to bokeh
  version update

Gallery tests

multipatch example:
* Lucas encountered issues with instructions, will provide updates
* has Python script for plotting, which should be less fragile than
  session files
* Roland mentions that there is a "Open Session with Sources", which
  may help as well

TOV star:
* Roland reports that Maxwell should be working on them, will poke him


* no updates on #963: Improve McLachlan accuracy
* will not make it into the release, #2776: zlib: also use pkg-config
  when searching for installed version
* discussed "#2789: Citation suggestion for Kranc", consensus is that
  2006 paper is most appropriate, but no response from authors yet


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