[Workshop-all] VM Memory/Size

Dennis Castleberry dcastl2 at tigers.lsu.edu
Thu Apr 5 12:08:14 CDT 2012

Dear group,

When conducting simulations or visualizations which require a great amount
of disk space, you'll want to ensure that your disk space and memory are
well-managed. You may wish to issue in another terminal the command:

watch "df -h; echo; free -m"

to monitor both disk space and memory periodically.  If your disk becomes
full, the OS will be unable to create files.  This will prevent you from
logging in, as file creation is necessary for login.  This is reparable
without starting from scratch (see me if it happens), but the best practice
is to monitor the usage.  Note that if you enable shared folders, you may
save simulation and visualization data outside the disk image.


Dennis Castleberry
dcastl2 at tigers.lsu.edu
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