[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/numerical_relativity/ (Rev. 39)
diener at cct.lsu.edu
diener at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Apr 4 09:19:38 CDT 2012
User: diener
Date: 2012/04/04 09:19 AM
A few more slides.
File Changes:
Directory: /numerical_relativity/
File [modified]: numerical_relativity.tex
Delta lines: +43 -2
--- numerical_relativity/numerical_relativity.tex 2012-04-04 14:08:10 UTC (rev 38)
+++ numerical_relativity/numerical_relativity.tex 2012-04-04 14:19:38 UTC (rev 39)
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@
\item Puncture data.
\item Finite differencing.
\item The method of lines.
+ \item McLachlan.
@@ -96,7 +99,7 @@
\frame{\frametitle{The BSSN formulation (continued)}
-The evolution equation for all the BSSN variables are
+The evolution equation for all the BSSN variables are\footnote{Note: the matter terms are left out.}
\partial_t \tg_{ij} = {} & -2 \alpha \tA_{ij} + \lbt{\tg}{i}{j}{k}, \\
\partial_t \phi = {} & - \frac{1}{6} \alpha K + \beta^{k}\partial_{k}\phi
@@ -298,8 +301,46 @@
Often Runge-Kutta integration schemes are the scheme of choice.
+\frame{\frametitle{The method of lines (continued)}
+Advantages of using the method of lines:
+ \item It is easy to change the time integration scheme (e.g.\ going to higher
+ order).\pause
+ \item It is easy to couple different evolution equations maintaining
+ high order coupling.\pause
+The method of lines is implemented in Cactus in the thorn
+To use:
+ \item Schedule a routine to register the evolution variables and RHS
+ variables with \code{MoL}.\pause
+ \item Schedule routines to set the RHS variables.\pause
+ \item Set parameters when launching job to choose the time integration
+ scheme.
+\code{McLachlan} is the Einstein Toolkit implementation of BSSN.\pause
+\code{McLachlan} is named in honor of the Canadian Singer/Song writer Sarah
+It is based on finite differencing and the method of lines.\pause
+It supports high order finite differencing (8th order).\pause
+Since it is generated from the tensor equations by Kranc it is easy to
+maintain and modify.\pause
+It is highly optimized (supports vectorization and OpenMP) and an effort is
+ongoing to make it be able to run on GPU's as well.\pause
+In the future it may be necessary to generate different versions optimized
+for specific computer architectures.
@@ -428,9 +469,9 @@
\frame{\frametitle{Conservation Laws}
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