[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/numerical_relativity/ (Rev. 41)

diener at cct.lsu.edu diener at cct.lsu.edu
Wed Apr 4 09:46:17 CDT 2012

User: diener
Date: 2012/04/04 09:46 AM


 Add command /mypause to easily turn on or off all pauses.
 Change the date.
 Remove the Dr's.

File Changes:

Directory: /numerical_relativity/

File [modified]: numerical_relativity.tex
Delta lines: +51 -49
--- numerical_relativity/numerical_relativity.tex	2012-04-04 14:42:26 UTC (rev 40)
+++ numerical_relativity/numerical_relativity.tex	2012-04-04 14:46:16 UTC (rev 41)
@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
 \subtitle[Introduction to numerical methods \& numerical Relativity]{{\large Einstein Toolkit Workshop}\\*[0.3em] Numerical methods for spacetime and matter evolution}
-\author[\mbox{Peter Diener \& Bruno Mundim}]{Dr Peter Diener \& Dr Bruno Mundim}
-\date{Apr 05 2012}
+\author[\mbox{Peter Diener \& Bruno Mundim}]{Peter Diener \& Bruno Mundim}
+\date{Apr 4 2012}
@@ -34,11 +36,11 @@
 {\cal H} & \equiv  R + K^2 - K_{ij} K^{ij} = 0, \\
 {\cal M}^i & \equiv  D_j (K^{ij} - \gamma^{ij} K) = 0.
-These equations were used a lot in the early years of numerical relativity.\pause
+These equations were used a lot in the early years of numerical relativity.\mypause
 However, it was later discovered that the ADM evolution equations are only
-weakly hyperbolic.\pause
+weakly hyperbolic.\mypause
 In the mid to late 90's a new formulation was introduced that proved to be
 much more robust and stable: The BSSN formulation.
@@ -49,18 +51,18 @@
 Introduce a conformal rescaling of the three metric\vspace{\vs}
 \gamma_{ij} = \psi^4 \tg_{ij}.\vspace{\vs}
 We choose $\psi = \gamma^{1/12}$ such that the determinant of $\tg_{ij}$ is 1%\vspace{\vs}
 \mathrm{det}(\tg_{ij}) = \mathrm{det}(\psi^{-4}\gamma_{ij}) = 
 \mathrm{det}(\gamma^{-1/3}\gamma_{ij}) = 
 \gamma^{-1} \mathrm{det}(\gamma_{ij}) = 1.\vspace{\vs}
 In addition we introduce a trace decomposition of the extrinsic curvature.\vspace{\vs}
 K & = \gamma^{ij} K_{ij}, \\
 A_{ij} & = K_{ij} - \frac{1}{3} \gamma_{ij} K.\vspace{\vs}
 We then promote the following variables to evolution variables\vspace{\vs}
   \phi &= \ln \psi = \frac{1}{12} \ln \gamma,
@@ -78,17 +80,17 @@
   \tG^i = \tg^{jk} \tG^i{}_{jk} = - \partial_j \tg^{ij},
-to evolved variables as well.\pause
+to evolved variables as well.\mypause
 The final set of evolution variables are  $\phi$, $K$, $\tg_{ij}$, $\tA_{ij}$
-and $\tG^i$.\pause
+and $\tG^i$.\mypause
 The BSSN evolution equations can be derived from the ADM equations. As an
 example take the equation for $\phi$.
 \dt \phi  = \partial_0\phi = \partial_0 \left (\frac{1}{12}\ln\gamma\right)
 = \frac{1}{12}\frac{1}{\gamma}\partial_0\gamma.
 Using the expression for the derivative of the determinant of the metric
 in terms of the derivatives of the metric ($\partial_0\gamma = \gamma 
 \gamma^{ij} \partial_0\gamma_{ij}$) we find
@@ -144,18 +146,18 @@
 \tilde{{\cal G}} & \equiv \tg-1 = 0, \\
 \tilde{{\cal A}} & \equiv \tg^{ij}\tA_{ij} = 0, \\
 \tilde{{\cal L}}^{i} & \equiv \tG^{i}+\partial_j\tg^{ij} = 0.
 The constraints $\tilde{{\cal G}}$ and $\tilde{{\cal A}}$ are enforced actively
-at each timestep.\pause
+at each timestep.\mypause
 The other constraints ($\tilde{{\cal H}}$, $\tilde{{\cal M}}^i$ and
-$\tilde{{\cal L}}^{i}$) are not enforced.\pause
+$\tilde{{\cal L}}^{i}$) are not enforced.\mypause
 To improve stability and to help maintain $\tilde{{\cal L}}^{i}$ at a low level
 the following rule is employed in an implementation
 \item Where derivatives of $\tG^{i}$ are needed the evolved $\tG^{i}$ are used
-      directly.\pause
+      directly.\mypause
 \item Where $\tG^{i}$ are needed without taking derivatives
       $\tg^{jk}\tG^{i}{}_{jk}$ are used instead.
@@ -163,7 +165,7 @@
 \frame{\frametitle{The BSSN formulation (continued)}
 In order to evolve a spacetime with the BSSN equations, you have to specify
-the gauges $\alpha$ and $\beta^{i}$.\pause
+the gauges $\alpha$ and $\beta^{i}$.\mypause
 Most codes use the ``moving puncture'' gauges
@@ -181,12 +183,12 @@
 \gamma^{\mathrm{ph}}_{ij} = \psi^4\gamma_{ab}, \mbox{\hspace{2em}} K^{\mathrm{ph}}_{ij} = \psi^{-2} K_{ij},
 where $\gamma_{ij}$ is chosen to be the flat metric and $K_{ij}$ is assumed
-to be tracefree.\pause \\
+to be tracefree.\mypause \\
 The constraint equations become\vspace{\vs}
 0 & = \Delta\psi +\frac{1}{8}K^{ij}K_{ij}\psi^{-7} \\
 0 & = D_j K^{ij}.
 The momentum constraint has an analytic solution\vspace{\vs}
 K^{ij}_{\mathrm{BY}} = {} & \frac{3}{2r^2}\left ( P^i n^j + P^j n^i -
@@ -203,29 +205,29 @@
 black holes.
 \psi = 1+\sum_{i=1}^N\frac{m_i}{2|\vec{r}-\vec{r}_i|}.
 Inspired by this, for $K_{ij}\ne 0$ we make the ansatz
 \psi=\frac{1}{\alpha}+u, \mbox{\hspace{2em}} 
 \frac{1}{\alpha} = \sum_{i=1}^N\frac{m_i}{2|\vec{r}-\vec{r}_i|},
 In which case the Hamiltonian constraint becomes an equation for $u$
 \Delta u+\frac{1}{8}\alpha^7 K^{ij}K_{ij}(1+\alpha u)^{-7} = 0.
 It can be shown that $u$ will be $C^2$ at the location of the `punctures' and
 that $\psi$ has a unique solution.
 \frame{\frametitle{Finite differencing}
 With finite differencing we discretize a function by sampling it at a 
-collection of grid points.\pause
+collection of grid points.\mypause
-The grid points are usually (but not necessarily) equally spaced. \pause
+The grid points are usually (but not necessarily) equally spaced. \mypause
 We can then approximate derivatives of a function at a grid point by a
 weigthed sum of function values at grid points in the neighbourhood (the
-stencil) of the grid point. \pause
+stencil) of the grid point. \mypause
 As an example consider a stencil containing the grid point ($f_i$) and it's two 
 nearest neighbors ($f_{i-1}$ and $f_{i+1}$) with 
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@
 f(x_{i+1}) & = & f(x_i) + \left. \frac{df}{dx}\right |_{x_i} \Delta x
              + \frac{1}{2} \left. \frac{d^2 f}{dx^2}\right |_{x_i} \Delta x^2
              + O((\Delta x)^3) \nonumber
-\end{eqnarray} \pause
+\end{eqnarray} \mypause
 Requiring that the weighted sum approximates the derivative yields
 the following equations for $a_{-1}$, $a_0$ and $a_1$
@@ -261,20 +263,20 @@
 \left. \frac{df}{dx} \right |_{x_i} = \frac{f_{i+1}-f_{i-1}}{2\Delta x}
  + O((\Delta x)^2).
 Similarly we find for the second derivative that
 \left. \frac{d^2f}{dx^2} \right |_{x_i} = \frac{f_{i+1}-2 f_i+f_{i-1}}{(\Delta x)^2}
  + O((\Delta x)^2).
-These finite difference operators are second order accurate.\pause
+These finite difference operators are second order accurate.\mypause
-Higher order accuracy or higher order derivatives require larger stencils.\pause
+Higher order accuracy or higher order derivatives require larger stencils.\mypause
 Another way of looking at finite differencing operators is through 
-interpolating polynomials.\pause
+interpolating polynomials.\mypause
-Either approach gives the same coefficients for the same stencil.\pause
+Either approach gives the same coefficients for the same stencil.\mypause
 It is also clear from either approach that the error estimates are only
 correct if $f$ is smooth enough.
@@ -285,20 +287,20 @@
 \partial_t \mathbf{q}+\mathbf{A}^i(\mathbf{q})\partial_i 
 \mathbf{B}(\mathbf{q}) = \mathbf{S}(\mathbf{q}).
 The idea then is to discretize in space first, i.e.\ write the equations as
 \partial_t \mathbf{q} = \mathbf{L}(\mathbf{q}),
 where $\mathbf{L}(\mathbf{q})$ is a discrete approximation to the equations
-(e.g.\ using finite differencing).\pause
+(e.g.\ using finite differencing).\mypause
 This then turns the equations into a set of coupled ODE's with respect to
 If the spatial discretization (including boundary conditions) is stable
 we we can then evolve the system of equations using any stable ODE time
 Often Runge-Kutta integration schemes are the scheme of choice.
@@ -307,37 +309,37 @@
 Advantages of using the method of lines:
   \item It is easy to change the time integration scheme (e.g.\ going to higher
-     order).\pause
+     order).\mypause
   \item It is easy to couple different evolution equations maintaining
-     high order coupling.\pause
+     high order coupling.\mypause
 The method of lines is implemented in Cactus in the thorn 
 To use:
   \item Schedule a routine to register the evolution variables and RHS
-    variables with \code{MoL}.\pause
-  \item Schedule routines to set the RHS variables.\pause
+    variables with \code{MoL}.\mypause
+  \item Schedule routines to set the RHS variables.\mypause
   \item Set parameters when launching job to choose the time integration
-\code{McLachlan} is the Einstein Toolkit implementation of BSSN.\pause
+\code{McLachlan} is the Einstein Toolkit implementation of BSSN.\mypause
 \code{McLachlan} is named in honor of the Canadian Singer/Song writer Sarah
-It is based on finite differencing and the method of lines.\pause
+It is based on finite differencing and the method of lines.\mypause
-It supports high order finite differencing (8th order).\pause
+It supports high order finite differencing (8th order).\mypause
 Since it is generated from the tensor equations by Kranc it is easy to
-maintain and modify.\pause
+maintain and modify.\mypause
 It is highly optimized (supports vectorization and OpenMP) and an effort is
-ongoing to make it be able to run on GPU's as well.\pause
+ongoing to make it be able to run on GPU's as well.\mypause
 In the future it may be necessary to generate different versions optimized
 for specific computer architectures.
@@ -348,7 +350,7 @@
 Once we have established the spacetime evolution and initial data
 equations, we need to obtain the evolution equations for the 
 matter fields and the magnetic field evolution equation in 
-ideal MHD case. \pause
+ideal MHD case. \mypause
 These equations can be expressed as the local conservation laws of
 baryon number and energy momentum. For baryon number we have:
@@ -357,7 +359,7 @@
 \nabla_\nu J^\nu=0,
 where $J^\mu=\rho u^\mu$ is the rest-mass current, $\rho$ the rest-mass
-density and $u^\mu$ is the four-velocity of a fluid comoving observer.\pause
+density and $u^\mu$ is the four-velocity of a fluid comoving observer.\mypause
 The conservation of energy-momentum is given by:
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@
 where we define $p^*=p+b^2/2$, $h^*=h+b^2/\rho$, 
 $\varepsilon^*=\varepsilon+b^2/(2\rho)$, that results into 
-$h^*=1+\varepsilon^*+p^*/\rho$. \pause
+$h^*=1+\varepsilon^*+p^*/\rho$. \mypause
 Note that in the expression above we have used the magnetic field
 $b^{\mu}$ as measured by the comoving observer. It can expressed

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