[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/ (Rev. 59)

roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Thu Apr 5 00:36:03 CDT 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/04/05 12:36 AM

  Makefile, add_isosurface.png, add_pseudocolor.png, add_reflection.png, annotation_menu.png, change_colour_scheme.png, disable_x_axis.png, final_plot_snapshot.png, handson_viz.tex, initial_plot_snapshot.png, isocontour_options.png, movie_frame_options.png, open_file.png, pseudocolour_options.png, reflection_options.png, render_frames_menu.png, rendering_options.png

 add first version of visualization hands on
 this is really just a collection of images of where to click on not
 quite sure how else to guide them through VisIt and still be done on

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Directory: /svn:mime-type/

   + application/octet-stream

File Changes:

Directory: /handson_viz/

File [added]: Makefile
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--- handson_viz/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
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+all: handson_viz.pdf
+%.pdf: %.tex
+	pdflatex $*
+	/bin/bash -exec "rm -f handson_viz.{aux,log,nav,out,snm,pdf,toc} *~"
+.PHONY: all clean

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File [added]: add_pseudocolor.png
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File [added]: add_reflection.png
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File [added]: annotation_menu.png
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File [added]: handson_viz.tex
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--- handson_viz/handson_viz.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ handson_viz/handson_viz.tex	2012-04-05 05:36:03 UTC (rev 59)
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+\subtitle[Visualization hands-on]{{\large Einstein Toolkit
+Workshop}\\*[0.3em]Hands-on exercise: visualizing density oscillations and
+gravitational waves}
+\author{Roland Haas}
+\date{Apr 05 2012}
+\frametitle{Installing software}
+To turn the rendered frames into a movie we will use \texttt{ffmpeg} which
+unfortunately did not make it into the virtual machine. To install it, enter
+on a command prompt:
+    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
+Enter \texttt{etk-user} (ie. your password) when asked for the password.
+\frametitle{TOV files to visualize}
+You can either use the output files from the \texttt{fast\_tov.par} run you
+started yesterday, or download a (slightly different) dataset from
+(about 4MB). Copy the file to a folder of your choice and decompress it via 
+    xz -d -f --keep path-to-folder/rho.rl4.h5.xz
+The former file will work but will be a bit boring. The later one I tweaked a
+bit to get nice large oscillations.
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+    \item type \texttt{\$HOME/VisIt/bin/visit} at a command prompt to start
+        visit
+    \item You can try enabling 3D acceleration, but at least on Intel graphics
+	  chips this tends to make VisIt fail at startup.
+    \item open the output file of your choice
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item add a pseudocolor plot from the "Plots" drop-down button
+\item we will display a number of isocontour lines in the star to show its oscillations
+\item we will use the \texttt{IsoSurface} operator to compute the contour surfaces
+\item \texttt{VisIt} also offers a \texttt{Contour} plot which however is limited in the transparency options compared to the \texttt{IsoSurface}, \texttt{PseudoColor} combination we use
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item add \texttt{IsoSurface} operator from \texttt{Operators/Slicing/Isosurface}
+\item add \texttt{Reflect} operator from \texttt{Operators/Transforms/Reflect}, to populate the ``missing'' octants
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item double-click on the \texttt{Pseudocolor} entry in the list of plots to display its options page. Your might have to expand the list using the triangle shaped button on the left first
+\item add transparency by reducing the opacity to about 25\% and set limits of $[10^{-8},10^{-3}]$ for the plot range. We will use the same range when creating isocontours in the next step
+\item you have to click on \texttt{Apply} then on \texttt{Dismiss} to apply the new settings
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item double click on the \texttt{Reflect} operator, change to \texttt{3D} and activate all octants except the original ($+X+Y+Z$) one and the $+X-Y+Z$ one, change the reflection point to the origin.
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item double click on the \texttt{IsoSurface} operator and select the range used for the \texttt{Pseudocolor} plot, use $6$ levels and leave the scaling at \texttt{linear}
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item click on \texttt{Draw} to see how your plot looks like
+\item rotate to an orientation that looks nice, by grabbing the plot with the mouse
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item next we will change \texttt{VisIt}'s rendering options to add shadows and change the background to something more attractive
+\item unfortunately this means we will eventually loose the transparancy (at least in the virtual machine)
+\item first though open the \texttt{Annotation} control page
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item in the \texttt{X-Axis} subtab of the \texttt{3D} tab, disable the axis title
+\item repeat for the other two axes
+\item in the \texttt{Colors} tab, change the background to black and the foreground to white
+\item add a gradient to the background, with a dark gray as the second colour
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item open \texttt{VisIt}'s rendering options from the \texttt{Options/Rendering...} menu
+\item on the \texttt{Advanced} tab, enable \texttt{scalable rendering}, \texttt{Shadows} and \texttt{Depth Cueing}
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item click on \texttt{Draw} to see how your plot looks like
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item in this penultimate step we will let \texttt{VisIt} rendering frames of a small movie showing the oscillations
+\item to start the movie wizard, select \texttt{Save movie...} from the \texttt{File} menu
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item in this penultimate step we will let \texttt{VisIt} rendering frames of a small movie showing the oscillations
+\item to start the movie wizard, select \texttt{Save movie...} from the \texttt{File} menu
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item Finally, inside the wizard, change the frame size to approximately $640\times640$ pixels (multiples of $16$ are best)
+\item choose \texttt{png} output
+\item add the movie format to the list on the right using the \texttt{->} button
+\item click on next and accept the defaults for all other steps, maybe choosing a different output directory for the frames
+\frametitle{Visualizing density oscillations}
+\item once \texttt{VisIt} is done, which will take some minutes, we can render the frames into an actual movie
+\item for this, \texttt{cd} into the folder containing the frames and enter
+ffmpeg -loop\_input -vframes 200 -qscale 1 -b 1000 -i movie\%04d.png movie.avi
+\item \texttt{-loop\_input} makes \texttt{ffmpeg} wrap around when looking for frames
+\item \texttt{-vframes 200} is the number of frames to include in the movie, we set this to twice as many as we have actual frames, ie. the movie will loop twice
+\item \texttt{-qscale 1} sets the quality scale for the encoder. $1$ is best quality.
+\item \texttt{-b 1000} asks for a bitrate of $1000$ kilobits per second
+\item \texttt{-i movie\%04d.png} tells \texttt{ffmpeg} the names of the input files, it accepts \texttt{printf} format specifiers to construct a file name based on the frame number. \texttt{ffmpeg} stops encoding once it generates a name for which no or no valid file is found.
+\item play the movie using \texttt{ffplay}

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File [added]: isocontour_options.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/isocontour_options.png

File [added]: movie_frame_options.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/movie_frame_options.png

File [added]: open_file.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/open_file.png

File [added]: pseudocolour_options.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/pseudocolour_options.png

File [added]: reflection_options.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/reflection_options.png

File [added]: render_frames_menu.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/render_frames_menu.png

File [added]: rendering_options.png
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Property changes on: handson_viz/rendering_options.png

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