[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/et-tour/ (Rev. 61)

diener at cct.lsu.edu diener at cct.lsu.edu
Thu Apr 5 07:20:19 CDT 2012

User: diener
Date: 2012/04/05 07:20 AM

  Makefile, et_tour.tex

 Start of slides for Einstein Toolkit tour.

File Changes:

Directory: /et-tour/

File [added]: Makefile
Delta lines: +10 -0
--- et-tour/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ et-tour/Makefile	2012-04-05 12:20:19 UTC (rev 61)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+all: et_tour.pdf 
+%.pdf: %.tex
+	pdflatex $*
+	/bin/bash -exec "rm -f et_tour.{aux,log,nav,out,snm,pdf,toc}"
+.PHONY: all clean

File [added]: et_tour.tex
Delta lines: +142 -0
--- et-tour/et_tour.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ et-tour/et_tour.tex	2012-04-05 12:20:19 UTC (rev 61)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+\subtitle[Tour of the Einstein Toolkit]{{\large Einstein Toolkit Workshop}\\*[0.3em]Tour through available ET components}
+\author[Peter Diener]{Peter Diener}
+\date{Apr 06 2012}
+\frame{\frametitle{What does the Einstein Toolkit Provide}
+ \begin{itemize}
+  \item Support Tools.
+  \item Computational Infrastructure.
+  \item Spacetime evolution.
+  \item Spacetime analysis.
+  \item Matter evolution.
+  \item Matter analysis.
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Support Tools}
+ \begin{itemize}
+  \item GetComponents
+  \item SimFactory
+ \end{itemize}
+The different thorns needed to do a simulation are distrubuted across
+many different sites and uses many different download mechanisms.
+It was becoming increasingly complex to checkout and update the complete
+source tree needed for a simulation.
+For the Einstein Toolkit a tool was written to simplify this process:
+Given a master thornlist written in a simple Component Retrieval Language
+(CRL) the script downloads/updates all necessary thorns.
+The script currently supports checking out codes from CVS, Subversion, git and
+mercurial repositories.
+The script can also check the status of each component, create diffs or check
+out from a specific date.
+GetComponents was written by Eric Seidel.
+Managing simulations on supercomputers can be very complex.
+Different supercomputers have different architectures, compilers,
+queuing systems, file system layouts as well as different library locations.
+Also some supercomputers may not support all the different version control
+systems we use.
+The Simfactory tool was written to simplify that.
+It stores a machine data base with information about all these differences.
+Once somebody has added a new machine to the database it is very easy for
+everybody else to use that machine.
+It uses the concept of a master source tree, that gets copied to the
+supercomputer using rsync.
+Single commands will then configure and build Cactus, submit simulations,
+check the status of simulations, stop simulations and delete simulations.
+Simfactory guards against common human errors when managing simulations.
+Simfactory was written by Erik Schnetter and Michael Thomas.
+\frame{\frametitle{Computational Infrastructure}
+ \begin{itemize}
+  \item Core Cactus (flesh and basic infrastructure thorns)
+  \item Carpet (mesh refinement driver)
+  \item EinsteinBase (base thorns for spacetime and matter)
+ \end{itemize}
+\frame{\frametitle{Core Cactus}
+The main core Cactus arrangements are:
+  \item[CactusBase] Basic infrastructure thorns for boundary conditions,
+                    coordinates, IO, symmetries and time.
+  \item[CactusPUGH] Parallel uni-grid driver with the necessary support thorns
+                    for interpolation, reduction, slabbing and IO.
+  \item[CactusNumerical] Numerical infrastructure thorns implementing things
+                         like time integration, dissipation, noise, symmetry
+                         boundary conditions, spherical surfaces, 
+                         local interpolation, local reduction and others.
+  \item[CactusUtils] Utility thorns providing formaline, nan-checking,
+                     termination triggering and timer reports.
+  \item[CactusConnect] Thorns that allow Cactus to act as a web server
+                       so the user can interact with a running simulation.
+  \item[ExternalLibraries] Thorns providing external libraries like Blas,
+                           Lapack, GSL, HDF5, FFTW and Lorene and others.
+Carpet is the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) driver used by most (if not all)
+of the numerical relativity groups that uses Cactus.
+It's developed primarily by Erik Schnetter.
+The code is continuously being developed and upgraded for efficiency and
+scalability on modern supercomputer architectures.
+Carpet employs the classical Berger-Oliger AMR algorithm with sub-cycling in
+Carpet is responsible for:\vspace{-1.0ex}
+  \item Splitting grid functions and grid arrays among the MPI processes and
+        to allocate memory for them.
+  \item Setup the mesh refinement grid hierarchy.
+  \item Communicate ghost cell information between neighbouring MPI processes
+        when needed.
+  \item Communicate between different refinement levels by prolongation and
+        restriction when necessary.
+\frame{\frametitle{Carpet (continued)}
+  \item Modify the grid hierarchy (regridding) when requested by the user.
+  \item When reduction and interpolation is required, figure out where relevant
+        data is located and call the local reduction and interpolation routines
+        appropriately.
+  \item Perform parallel IO.

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