[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/handson_sviz/ (Rev. 73)

tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu tanja.bode at physics.gatech.edu
Thu Apr 5 11:04:30 CDT 2012

User: tbode
Date: 2012/04/05 11:04 AM

  handson_sviz.pdf, handson_sviz.tex

 Fix/improve Viz slides.

File Changes:

Directory: /handson_sviz/

File [modified]: handson_sviz.pdf
Delta lines: +0 -0
(Binary files differ)

File [modified]: handson_sviz.tex
Delta lines: +39 -27
--- handson_sviz/handson_sviz.tex	2012-04-05 15:55:29 UTC (rev 72)
+++ handson_sviz/handson_sviz.tex	2012-04-05 16:04:30 UTC (rev 73)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
  \item Hydro Analysis -- Perturbed TOV
        %\item Conserved TOV mass
-       \item TOV density profiles
+       \item TOV density profile evolutions
  \item Spacetime Analysis
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
-\frame{ \frametitle{Hydro Analysis: Conserved TOV Profile}
+\frame{ \frametitle{Hydro Analysis: TOV Profile}
   \begin{block}{Task 1 -- TOV Profile}
        Study the density distribution and how it evolves away from the initial data. 
@@ -56,56 +56,68 @@
 \frame{ \frametitle{Hydro Analysis: Conserved TOV Profile}
+  Creating a Plot in VisIt: \\
-    \item Open 3d data of rho in VisIt
-    \item Create a pseudocolor plot
-    \item Add a slicing operator in the xy plane
-    \item Add reflections
-    \item Take a line profile across the star
-    \item Create an expression to calculate deviation from the initial data \\
-     { \small
+    \item Open 3d data of rho (rho.xyz.h5 or rho.h5) in VisIt -- for multi-core runs this is rho.file\_[0-9]*.h5`
+    \item Create a pseudocolor plot of the variable, in this case {\rm HYDROBASE--rho}.
+    \item Add a slicing operator in the xy plane (default options are fine)
+    \item Add reflections if you like. Make sure to reflect about the origin, not the symmetry points.
+    \item Activate the Line Tool and take a line profile across the star
+  \end{enumerate}
+\frame{ \frametitle{Hydro Analysis: Conserved TOV Profile}
+  Comparing to another database (or the initial state of the current database): \\
+  \begin{enumerate}
+    \item Enter the expression editor (Controls-->Expressions)
+    \item Create a scalar mesh quantity for the deviation \\
+    { 
 	   { \rm $<$HYDROBASE--rho$>$/InitialRho } \\
-           where {\rm InitialRho} is another expression given by \\
-           {\rm conn\_cmfe($<$/home/etk-user/.../hydrobase::rho.file\_0.h5::HYDROBASE--rho[0]i$>$,$<$Carpet-AMR$>$)} }
-    \item Explore.
+           where {\rm InitialRho=conn\_cmfe($<$/home/etk-user/.../rho.h5[0]i:HYDROBASE--rho$>$,$<$Carpet AMR-mesh$>$)}}
+    \item Click Apply!
+    \item The new expression should now be available as a plottable variable
+    \item Change the state on the time slider and see how it varies
 \frame{ \frametitle{Black Hole Information: Mass and Area}
-  \vspace{-2em}
+  \begin{block}{Task 2 -- Black Hole Evolution}
+   Explore the evolution of a BH by plotting the information in this file \\
+   There are sample BH Horizon files in {\tt extra\_datafiles/BH*.gp}
+  \end{block}
+  \vspace{1em}
   \item \thorn{AHFinderDirect} creates file \dfile{BH\_diagnostics.ah[0-9]*.gp}
   \item Header of file denotes the 42 pieces of information in the file.
-%  \item {\color{blue} \emph{ Task 1:} Explore the evolution of the BH by plotting the information in this file}
+  \item Using gnuplot, explore how the BH horizons evolve (mass, area, location, shape, ...)
-  \begin{block}{Task 2 -- Black Hole Evolution}
-   Explore the evolution of a BH by plotting the information in this file \\
-   (Do we have a new parameter file? See extra data files)
-  \end{block}
 \frame{ \frametitle{Spacetime Analysis: Gravitational Waves}
-  \vspace{-2em}
+  \begin{block}{Task 3 -- Gravitational Waves}
+        Explore the mode content of the gravitational waves.
+  \end{block}
+  \vspace{1em}
   \item Standard GW extraction by calculating the Weyl scalar $\Psi_4$ and decomposing its projection on a spherical detection surface. 
   \item \thorn{WeylScal4} stores $\Psi_4$ as gridfunction.
   \item \thorn{Multipole} decomposes $\Psi_4(\theta,\phi)$ of a detector surface on a basis of spin-weighted spherical harmonics ${}_{-2}Y^{lm}$
   \item Multipole stores its output in \dfile{mp\_*} as the coefficients to the expansion on the basis
-  \begin{block}{Task 3 -- Gravitational Waves}
-        Explore the mode content of the gravitational waves.
-  \end{block}
 \frame{ \frametitle{Extras: Convergence}
-  \vspace{-2em}
+  \begin{block}{Extra -- Convergence}
+     Modify the resolution of one parameter file. Run just a few (~10) steps for each resolution. Calculate the convergence rate of a constraint $f(x)=0$.
+  \end{block}
+  \vspace{1em}
   \item Constraints (Hamiltonian, Momentum) should converge 
-  \begin{block}{Extra -- Convergence}
-     Modify the resolution of one parameter file. Run just a few (~10) steps for each resolution. Calculate the convergence rate of a constraint $f(x)=0$.
-  \end{block}
 \frame{ %\frametitle{Hands-On 0d/1d All Tasks}

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