[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/handson_analysis/ (Rev. 76)

roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Thu Apr 5 13:13:26 CDT 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/04/05 01:13 PM

  handson_analysis.pdf, handson_analysis.tex

 add slide reminding users to test thorns against known data

File Changes:

Directory: /handson_analysis/

File [modified]: handson_analysis.pdf
Delta lines: +0 -0
(Binary files differ)

File [modified]: handson_analysis.tex
Delta lines: +17 -0
--- handson_analysis/handson_analysis.tex	2012-04-05 17:01:35 UTC (rev 75)
+++ handson_analysis/handson_analysis.tex	2012-04-05 18:13:26 UTC (rev 76)
@@ -138,4 +138,21 @@
         \item Reductions should be called in global mode
+    \frametitle{Test your thorn}
+    \begin{itemize}
+	\item it is best to test your newly written thorn against some known data
+	\item for this the example implementation contains an extra routine that provides a made up binary where the position of the neutron stars are given by a Gaussian blob
+	\begin{align}
+		\rho(r) &= A \exp(-r^2/(2\sigma^2)) \\
+		R(t) &= R_{\text{max}} + (R_{\text{max}} - R_{\text{min}})\,\cos(2\pi/T_r) \\
+		\phi(t) &= 2\pi t/T_\phi + \phi_0 \\
+		x(t) &= \pm R(t) \cos \phi(t) \text{ for right/left blob} \\
+		y(t) &= \pm R(t) \sin \phi(t) \\
+		r(t) &= \sqrt{x^2(t)+y^2(t)}
+	\end{align}
+	\item controlled by a parameter \texttt{add\_moving\_blobs}. Check \texttt{param.ccl} for possible options and \texttt{src/moving\_blobs.c} for the code.
+    \end{itemize}

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