[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Spring_2012/et-tour/ (Rev. 85)

diener at cct.lsu.edu diener at cct.lsu.edu
Thu Apr 5 16:09:36 CDT 2012

User: diener
Date: 2012/04/05 04:09 PM


 More slides for tour of ET.

File Changes:

Directory: /et-tour/

File [modified]: et_tour.tex
Delta lines: +129 -5
--- et-tour/et_tour.tex	2012-04-05 20:14:36 UTC (rev 84)
+++ et-tour/et_tour.tex	2012-04-05 21:09:35 UTC (rev 85)
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
   \item Support Tools.
   \item Computational Infrastructure.
   \item EinsteinBase.
-  \item Spacetime evolution.
-  \item Spacetime analysis.
-  \item Matter evolution.
-  \item Matter analysis.
+  \item EinsteinInitial.
+  \item EinsteinEvolve
+  \item Einsteinanalysis.
+  \item Miscellaneous.
@@ -147,13 +147,137 @@
   \item TmunuBase (basic stress-energy variables).
   \item EOS\_Base (EOS registration).
   \item EOSG\_Base (interface to generic EOS').
+  \item Constants (Provides $c$, $G$ and $M_{\odot}$ in various units).
   \item CoordGauge (not used by many thorns anymore).
   \item ADMCoupling (not used by many thorns anymore).
   \item ADMMacros (Macros for calculating various quantities based on the ADM
-  \item Constants (Provides $c$, $G$ and $M_{\odot}$ in various units).
   \item StaticConformal (variables for a static conformal factor; not used
+ADMBase is the glue that holds the Einstein Toolkit together. It serves 3 main
+  \item It defines groups of grid functions for the basic variables:
+        metric (gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz),
+        extrinsic curvature (kxx, kxy, kxz, kyy, kyz, kzz),
+        lapse (alp), shift (betax, betay, betaz),
+        time derivative of the lapse (dtalp) and time derivative of the
+        shift (dtbetax, dtbetay, dtbetaz) along with their symmetry information.
+  \item Defines basic parameters to choose the initial data, evolution
+        method and number of active timelevels that other thorns can use or
+        extend where appropriate. Ensures that only one initial data or
+        evolution method can be chosen at a time.
+  \item Defines a schedule group for other thorns to schedule their
+        routines modifying the ADMBase variables. Used correctly, 
+        ensures that the ADMBase variables gets modified at the right time in
+        the Cactus schedule so they are available when needed by other thorns.
+Also contains routines for Minkowski initial data and `static' evolutions.
+Provides the basic variables for matter evolution.
+  \item {\tt rho}: rest mass density $\rho$
+  \item {\tt press}: pressure $P$
+  \item {\tt eps}: Specific internal energy $\epsilon$
+  \item {\tt vel[3]}: contravariant fluid three velocity $v^i$
+  \item {\tt w\_lorentz}: Lorentz factor $\gamma$
+  \item {\tt Y\_e}: electron fraction $Y_e$
+  \item {\tt temperature}: temperature $T$
+  \item {\tt entropy}: specific entropy per particle $s$
+  \item {\tt Bvec[3]}: contravariant magnetic field vector $B^i$
+Also sets up scheduling groups for recommended interaction with the fluid variables.
+Defines the grid functions for the stress-energy tensor.
+  \item The time component $T_{00}$: {\tt eTtt} 
+  \item The mixed components $T_{0i}$: {\tt eTtx}, {\tt eTty}, {\tt eTtz}
+  \item The spatial components $T_{ij}$: {\tt eTxx}, {\tt eTxy}, {\tt eTxz},
+                                         {\tt eTyy}, {\tt eTyz}, {\tt eTzz}
+Also sets up scheduling groups for other thorns to schedule routines that adds
+to the stress-energy tensor.
+Many kinds of initial data are available in the Einstein Toolkit
+  \item[TwoPunctures] Puncture binary black hole initial data.
+  \item[Meudon\_Bin\_BH] Meudon binary black hole initial data.
+  \item[Noexcision] Turduckening.
+  \item[Exact] A bunch of exact solutions to the Einstein equations.
+  \item[TOVSolver] Single TOV star.
+  \item[Meudon\_Bin\_NS] Meudon binary neutron star initial data.
+  \item[Meudon\_Mag\_NS] Meudon binary magnetized neutron star initial data.
+  \item[GRHydro\_InitData] Test initial data for hydro evolutions.
+  \item[Other] Many other less used (i.e.\ old and less accurate) initial
+    data thorns.
+More are welcome.
+The EinsteinToolkit provides McLachlan for spacetime evolution and GRHydro
+for GRMHD matter evolution.
+The codes are designed to interoperate through the ADMBase and TmunuBase
+For black hole simulations we have PunctureTracker that allow us to track the
+black holes and move the refined grids accordingly.
+You have been working on a similar thorn for neutron star simulations during
+the hands on session at this workshop.
+NewRad is a radiative boundary condition thorn and LegoExcision provides
+excision (not used very often anymore).
+Several thorns in the Einstein Toolkit can be used to analyze numerical
+  \item[AHFinderDirect] Find black hole apparent horizons quickly.
+  \item[AHfinder] Find black hole apparent horizons slowly.
+  \item[QuasiLocalMeasures] Calculate spins of surfaces with spherical topology.
+  \item[WeylScal4] Calculate the Newman-Penrose scalar $\Psi_4$.
+  \item[Multipole] Decompose arbitrary grid functions into spin-weighted
+    spherical harmonics.
+  \item[Extract] Perform Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli 1st order gauge invariant
+    gravitational wave extraction.
+  \item[PITTNullCode] Cauchy extraction of gravitational waves.
+  \item[ADMAnalysis] Calculate several quantitites from the ADM variables.
+  \item[EHFinder] Find event horizons in numerical spacetimes.
+  \item[ADMConstraints] Calculate the ADM constraints from the ADM variables.
+  \item[Hydro\_Analysis] Calculate various quantities related to the
+    density maximum of matter evolutions.
+  \item[HTTPD] A thorn that turns your simulation into a web server.
+  \item[Cartoon2D] A thorn that allows you to perform 2D simulations with a 3D
+    code.
+  \item[Dissipation] A thorn that allows you to add Kreiss-Oliger dissipation
+    to any evolved variable.
+  \item[Formaline] A thorn that stores the complete source tree in the
+    executable.
+  \item[NaNChecker] A thorn that checks for NaN's.
+  \item[TerminationTrigger] A thorn that triggers checkpointing and 
+    termination.
+  \item[TimerReport] A thorn that reports the time spent in scheduled routines.
+  \item[SphericalSurface] A thorn that stores surfaces of spherical topology.
+  \item[SummationByParts] A thorn that provides summation by parts finite
+    difference operators and compatible dissipation operators.

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