[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Paper_EinsteinToolkit_2010/ (Rev. 317)

roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Fri Apr 27 10:25:20 CDT 2012

User: rhaas
Date: 2012/04/27 10:25 AM


 amend text in figures 7, 10-15 by "(Color online.)" 
 still refers to color which is what seems to have triggered the query but color
 is not (and never was) required to distinguis the lines and plot elements.

File Changes:

Directory: /

File [modified]: ET.tex
Delta lines: +14 -11
--- ET.tex	2012-04-11 18:51:31 UTC (rev 316)
+++ ET.tex	2012-04-27 15:25:20 UTC (rev 317)
@@ -898,20 +898,22 @@
     \caption{Example of a grid layout created by
       \codename{CarpetRegrid2}. This figure shows two refinement
-      levels, a coarse (big red circles) and a fine one (small black
-      circles). In this example we use one boundary point and one
+      levels, a coarse (big red circles and disks) and a fine one 
+      (small black
+      circles and disks). In this example we use one boundary point
+      and one
       ghost point, as well as \codename{RotatingSymmetry180}. The
       boundary points are filled by the symmetry condition, the ghost
       points are filled via interpolation from the coarse
       Starting from a user-specified refined region
-      consisting of $5\times3$ points (small, dark, filled circles in
+      consisting of $5\times3$ points (small, black, filled circles in
       the upper half), \codename{CarpetRegrid2} enforced the the
       $\pi$-symmetry by adding the $2\times3$ block of refined points
-      in the lower half (small, light, slashed circles). The open
+      in the lower half (small, cyan, slashed disks). The empty
       circles are boundary and ghost points maintained by
       \codename{Carpet}. The arrow demonstrates how the $\pi$-symmetry
-      fills in a boundary point.}
+      fills in a boundary point. (Color online.)}
@@ -2476,7 +2478,8 @@
           curve), between the high and medium resolution runs
           (dashed blue curve), and the scaled difference (for fourth-order
           convergence) between the medium and low resolution runs
-          (dotted red curve) for the real part of the $\ell =2, m=0$ waveforms.}
+          (dotted red curve) for the real part of the $\ell =2, m=0$ waveforms.
+          (Color online.)}
 In the top plot the black (solid) curve is the real part and the blue (dashed)
@@ -2505,7 +2508,7 @@
           curve), the difference between the high and medium resolution runs
           (dashed blue curve) as well as the scaled (for fourth-order
           convergence) difference between the medium and low resolution runs
-          (dotted red curve).}
+          (dotted red curve). (Color online.)}
 The top plot in this case shows only the real part of the extracted waveform
@@ -2543,7 +2546,7 @@
 the blue (dashed) curve shows the difference between the high and medium
 resolution results. The red (dotted) and green (dash-dotted) show the 
 difference between the high and medium resolutions scaled according to
-fourth and third-order convergence respectively.} \label{fig:ah_mass}
+fourth and third-order convergence respectively. (Color online.)} \label{fig:ah_mass}
 Note that the irreducible mass 
 $M_{\mathrm{AH}}$ is smaller than the initial mass $M_{\mathrm{bh}}$ due to
@@ -2578,7 +2581,7 @@
 and red (dotted) for low resolution. In the bottom plot the green (dash-dotted)
 curve shows the high resolution result scaled for second-order convergence. The
 agreement with the medium resolution curve shows that the change in spin
-converges to zero as expected.}
+converges to zero as expected. (Color online.)}
 In both cases the black (solid) curve is for high, blue (dashed) for medium and
@@ -2718,7 +2721,7 @@
 evolution. A common horizon appears at $t=116\mathrm{M}$. In the right panel,
 we plot the real (solid blue line) and imaginary (dotted red line) 
 parts of the ($l=2$,$m=2$) mode of the Weyl scalar $\Psi_4$ as extracted 
-at an observer radius of $R_{\rm obs}=60\mathrm{M}$.}
+at an observer radius of $R_{\rm obs}=60\mathrm{M}$. (Color online.)}
@@ -2735,7 +2738,7 @@
 at $t=154\mathrm{M}$ indicates the point during the evolution at which the Weyl 
 scalar frequency reaches $\omega=0.2/\mathrm{M}$. Observe that the three highest 
 resolutions accumulate a phase error below the standard of $0.05$ radians 
-required by the NRAR collaboration. }
+required by the NRAR collaboration. (Color online.)}

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