[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] TOVSolver/trunk/ (Rev. 140)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Mon Jul 8 01:45:43 CDT 2013

User: rhaas
Date: 2013/07/08 01:45 AM

  test_two_av.par, test_two_max.par

 remove duplicate parameter from test_two_max test

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/

File [modified]: tov.c
Delta lines: +7 -6
--- trunk/src/tov.c	2013-07-07 05:36:13 UTC (rev 139)
+++ trunk/src/tov.c	2013-07-08 06:45:43 UTC (rev 140)
@@ -844,20 +844,21 @@
 	  /* It is absolutely idiotic to have different 
              atmosphere thresholds for different stars that are placed
              on the same goddamn grid. This also screws symmetry, so 
-             we get rid of it /*
-	     /* if(rho[i3D] <= TOV_Atmosphere[star_i]) {
+             we get rid of it \*
+	     \* */ if(rho[i3D] <= TOV_Atmosphere[star_i]) {
 	     rho[i3D] = TOV_Atmosphere[star_i];
-	     press[i3D] = TOV_K[star_i] * pow(rho[i3D],TOV_Gamma[star_i]);
-             eps[i3D] = press[i3D]/(TOV_Gamma[star_i]-1.0)/rho[i3D];
-	    } */ 
+	     press[i3D] = TOV_K * pow(rho[i3D],TOV_Gamma);
+             eps[i3D] = press[i3D]/(TOV_Gamma-1.0)/rho[i3D];
+	    } /**/ 
+#if 0
 	if(rho[i3D] <= TOV_Atmosphere[0]) {
 	  rho[i3D] = TOV_Atmosphere[0];
 	  press[i3D] = TOV_K * pow(rho[i3D],TOV_Gamma);
 	  eps[i3D] = press[i3D]/(TOV_Gamma-1.0)/rho[i3D];
         if (TOV_Conformal_Flat_Three_Metric)

Directory: /trunk/test/

File [modified]: test_two_av.par
Delta lines: +2 -3
--- trunk/test/test_two_av.par	2013-07-07 05:36:13 UTC (rev 139)
+++ trunk/test/test_two_av.par	2013-07-08 06:45:43 UTC (rev 140)
@@ -44,14 +44,13 @@
 tovsolver::TOV_Num_Radial     = 200000
 tovsolver::TOV_Combine_Method = "average"
-tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[0] = 0.16e-3
 tovsolver::TOV_Gamma        = 2.0
 tovsolver::TOV_K            = 100.0
+tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[0] = 0.16e-3
 tovsolver::TOV_Position_x[0]  = -15.0
 tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[1] = 0.32e-3
-tovsolver::TOV_Gamma        = 2.0
-tovsolver::TOV_K            = 100.0
 tovsolver::TOV_Position_x[1]  = 15.0

File [modified]: test_two_max.par
Delta lines: +2 -3
--- trunk/test/test_two_max.par	2013-07-07 05:36:13 UTC (rev 139)
+++ trunk/test/test_two_max.par	2013-07-08 06:45:43 UTC (rev 140)
@@ -44,14 +44,13 @@
 tovsolver::TOV_Num_Radial     = 200000
 tovsolver::TOV_Combine_Method = "maximum"
-tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[0] = 0.16e-3
 tovsolver::TOV_Gamma       = 2.0
 tovsolver::TOV_K           = 100.0
+tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[0] = 0.16e-3
 tovsolver::TOV_Position_x[0]  = -15.0
 tovsolver::TOV_Rho_Central[1] = 0.32e-3
-tovsolver::TOV_Gamma       = 2.0
-tovsolver::TOV_K           = 100.0
 tovsolver::TOV_Position_x[1]  = 15.0

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