[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] Workshop_Summer_2013/tutorial/ (Rev. 16)

sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Jul 26 08:26:14 CDT 2013

User: sbrandt
Date: 2013/07/26 08:26 AM

  Cac.tex, Makefile

 added slides

File Changes:

Directory: /tutorial/

File [added]: Cac.tex
Delta lines: +181 -0
--- tutorial/Cac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ tutorial/Cac.tex	2013-07-26 13:26:13 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+\subtitle[Module C]{{\large CGWAS Workshop 2013}\\*[0.3em]}
+\author[Dr. Steven R. Brandt]{Dr. Steven R. Brandt}
+\date{July 2013}
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Goals}
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item building
+      \item running
+      \item synchronizing
+      \item remote building
+      \item remote submitting
+    \end{itemize}
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Building}
+\item To build cactus on your virtual machine, type
+cgwas at cgwas:~$ cd Cactus
+cgaws at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim build
+Building sim
+Cactus - version: 4.2.0
+Building configuration sim
+\item Afterwards, you will have a file in the exe directory
+$ ls ./exe
+cactus_sim sim
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running}
+To run Cactus, simply call the binary and give it a parameter
+file as an argument. You can use the WaveDemo.par file as a
+simple test.
+cgwas at cwas:~/Cactus$ ./exe/cactus_sim ./arrangements/Einstein
+       10                                  
+  1   0101       ************************  
+  01  1010 10      The Cactus Code V4.0    
+ 1010 1101 011      www.cactuscode.org     
+  1001 100101    ************************  
+    00010101                               
+     100011     (c) Copyright The Authors  
+      0100      GNU Licensed. No Warranty  
+      0101
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running}
+Alternatively, you can invoke Cactus using MPI (Message
+Passing Interface)
+cgwas at cwas:~/Cactus$ mpirun -np 2 ./exe/cactus_sim ./arrangem
+ents/Einstein InitialData/IDLinearWaves/par/WaveDemo.par
+   it  |          | ADMANALYSIS::grr            |
+       |    t     | minimum      | maximum      |
+     0 |    0.000 |   0.99485833 |   1.00514167 |
+INFO (ADM): 1+log slicing
+INFO (ADM):   curved space diffusion = 0 for efficiency
+    10 |    1.667 |   0.99737048 |   1.00295396 |
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running}
+Running with Simfactory is a bit more complicated. Simfactory
+allows you to manage your simulations and keep track of what
+you've done.
+\item Create a simulation. The simulation should have a configuration name and
+      a parameter file.
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim create \
+    --configuration sim --parfile WaveDemo.par s1
+\item The next step is to submit a simulation (or run it). When running, specify
+the simulation you wish to use, and the number of procs. 
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim run \
+    --procs 1 s1
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running}
+\item Your simulation will be stored in the ~/simulations directory.
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ls ~/simulations
+\item If you attempt to run the simulation twice, the second time you will see an error. Simfactory doesn't let you overwrite your simulations.
+\item Visualize:
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ gnuplot
+gnuplot> plot "/home/cgwas/simluations/s1/output-0001/Wa
+veDemo/grr_x_[5][5].xg" using 1:2 with linespoints
+\section{Running Remotely}
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running Remotely}
+\item Configure zwicky in simfactory/etc/defs.local.ini
+by adding the following:
+user = sxs-39
+basedir = /home/@USER@/simulations
+\item Copy local changes to the remote machine using the
+synchronize command:
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim sync \
+    zwicky.cacr.caltech.edu
+\frame[containsverbatim]{ \frametitle{Running Remotely}
+\item Submit the job on the remote machine (after creating
+an appropriately named simulation):
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim submit \
+    --procs 12 \
+    --remotemachine zwicky.cacr.caltech.edu \
+    s2
+\item Monitor the simulations:
+cgwas at cgwas:~/Cactus$ ./simfactory/bin/sim list-simulations \
+    --remotemachine zwicky.cacr.caltech.edu 
+ s1  [ACTIVE (FINISHED), restart 0001, job id -1]

File [added]: Makefile
Delta lines: +6 -0
--- tutorial/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ tutorial/Makefile	2013-07-26 13:26:13 UTC (rev 16)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+Cac.pdf : Cac.tex 
+	pdflatex Cac
+	pdflatex Cac
+	rm -fr Cac.aux Cac.bbl Cac.nav Cac.ind Cac.log Cac.out Cac.toc Cac.ent Cac.pdf Cac.blg

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