[Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] EOS_Omni/trunk/ (Rev. 104)

rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu
Wed Mar 12 22:02:05 CDT 2014

User: rhaas
Date: 2014/03/12 10:02 PM



 EOS_Omni: add code for test case to C++ version
 From: Roland Haas <rhaas at tapir.caltech.edu>

File Changes:

Directory: /trunk/src/nuc_eos_cxx/

File [added]: dumpASCIItable.cc
Delta lines: +110 -0
--- trunk/src/nuc_eos_cxx/dumpASCIItable.cc	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/src/nuc_eos_cxx/dumpASCIItable.cc	2014-03-13 03:02:05 UTC (rev 104)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+#include "cctk.h"
+#include "cctk_Parameters.h"
+#include "cctk_Arguments.h"
+#include "cctk_Functions.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "nuc_eos.hh"
+#define DIM(v) (sizeof(v)/sizeof((v)[0]))
+extern "C"
+void EOS_OMNI_dumptable(CCTK_ARGUMENTS)
+  using namespace nuc_eos;
+  using namespace nuc_eos_private;
+  int irho,itemp,iye,n;
+  int strlength1,strlength2;
+  std::string fullpath;
+  if (CCTK_MyProc(cctkGH) != 0)
+     return;
+  fullpath = std::string(out_dir)+"/"+std::string(dump_nuceos_table_name);
+  CCTK_INFO("*******************************");
+  CCTK_INFO("Dumping nuc_eos table file in ASCII:");
+  CCTK_INFO(fullpath.c_str());
+  CCTK_INFO("*******************************");
+  FILE *fh = fopen(fullpath.c_str(), "w");
+  assert(fh);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n% 4d\n", "nrho:",nrho);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n% 4d\n", "ntemp:",ntemp);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n% 4d\n", "nye:",nye);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n%18.9E\n", "energy shift:",energy_shift);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n%18.9E %18.9E\n", "rho min and max:",eos_rhomin/RHOGF,eos_rhomax/RHOGF);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n%18.9E %18.9E\n", "ye min and max:",eos_yemin,eos_yemax);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n%18.9E %18.9E\n", "temp min and max:",eos_tempmin,eos_tempmax);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n\n", "log rho points:");
+  for(irho=0;irho<nrho;++irho) {
+     fprintf(fh, "%18.9E\n", (logrho[irho] - log(RHOGF))/log(10.));
+  }
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "log temp points:");
+  for(itemp=0;itemp<ntemp;++itemp) {
+     fprintf(fh, "%18.9E\n", logtemp[itemp]/log(10.));
+  }
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "ye points:");
+  for(iye=0;iye<nye;++iye) {
+     fprintf(fh, "%18.9E\n", yes[iye]);
+  }
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n% 4d\n", "nvars:",NTABLES);
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "table mappings:");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 1 -> logpress");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 2 -> logenergy");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 3 -> entropy");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 4 -> munu");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 5 -> cs2");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 6 -> dedT");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 7 -> dpdrhoe");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 8 -> dpderho");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", " 9 -> muhat");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "10 -> mu_e");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "11 -> mu_p");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "12 -> mu_n");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "13 -> xa");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "14 -> xh");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "15 -> xn");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "16 -> xp");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "17 -> abar");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "18 -> zbar");
+  fprintf(fh, "# % 20s\n", "19 -> gamma");
+  const double ctable[][2] = { // un-convert units
+    { log(10.0), log(PRESSGF) }, // pressure
+    { log(10.0), log(EPSGF) }, // eps
+    { 1. },
+    { 1. },
+    { EPSGF }, // dedT
+    { PRESSGF/RHOGF }, // dpdrhoe
+    { PRESSGF/EPSGF },// dpderho
+  };
+  for(irho=0;irho<nrho;++irho) {
+     for(itemp=0;itemp<ntemp;++itemp) {
+        for(iye=0;iye<nye;++iye) {
+           for(n=0;n<NTABLES;++n) {
+              // transpose nvar to front as we go along
+              const int idx = n + NTABLES*(irho + nrho*(itemp + ntemp*iye));
+              double val = alltables[idx];
+              if(n < DIM(ctable)) val = (val - ctable[n][1]) / ctable[n][0];
+              fprintf(fh, "% 4d % 4d % 4d % 4d %18.9E\n", irho+1,itemp+1,iye+1,n+1,val);
+           }
+        }
+     }
+  }
+  fclose(fh);

File [modified]: make.code.defn
Delta lines: +1 -1
--- trunk/src/nuc_eos_cxx/make.code.defn	2014-03-13 03:02:01 UTC (rev 103)
+++ trunk/src/nuc_eos_cxx/make.code.defn	2014-03-13 03:02:05 UTC (rev 104)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 SRCS = readtable.cc nuc_eos_short.cc nuc_eos_press_cs2.cc \
      nuc_eos_press.cc nuc_eos_full.cc nuc_eos_dpdrhoe_dpderho.cc \
-     readtable_cactus_wrapper.cc
+     readtable_cactus_wrapper.cc dumpASCIItable.cc

Directory: /trunk/test/

File [modified]: test.ccl
Delta lines: +2 -1
--- trunk/test/test.ccl	2014-03-13 03:02:01 UTC (rev 103)
+++ trunk/test/test.ccl	2014-03-13 03:02:05 UTC (rev 104)
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
-RELTOL 1e-14
+# we only output 9 digits
+RELTOL 1e-8

Directory: /trunk/

File [modified]: schedule.ccl
Delta lines: +8 -0
--- trunk/schedule.ccl	2014-03-13 03:02:01 UTC (rev 103)
+++ trunk/schedule.ccl	2014-03-13 03:02:05 UTC (rev 104)
@@ -21,6 +21,14 @@
     OPTIONS: global
   } "setup energy_shift in EOS_Omni_Module"
+  if (dump_nuceos_table)
+  {
+    SCHEDULE EOS_OMNI_dumptable after nuc_eos_readtable_cactus_wrapper AT CCTK_BASEGRID
+    {
+      LANG: C
+      OPTIONS: global
+    } "Dump EOS HDF5 table in ASCII"	
+  }
 if (coldeos_read_table)

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