[Cosmoparticle-wg] ET "Cosmology and particles" working group call

helvi witek helvi.witek at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Jun 18 11:32:25 CDT 2018

Dear all,

please consider joining our working group call next Monday, 25 June 2018,
at 4:30pm (BST, i.e. UK/Portugal) / 5:30pm (CDT).
You can attend the meeting via the google hangout:

Bishop Mongwane will discuss his work on "3+1 formulation of and
hyperbolicity in $f(R)$ theories".

If you have any further suggestions for topics to be discussed in the
meeting, please add them to the meeting agenda:
or reply to this email if you also have difficulties to edit the wiki.

Dr. Helvi Witek
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology
Department of Physics
King's College London
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