[Users] Meeting minutes

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 1 12:30:51 CDT 2011

Meeting minutes:

Present were: Tanja, Roland, Frank, Ian, Eloisa, Erik, Peter, Josh, 
Bruno, Christian

Recovery/scheduling cleanup (see 
* there should be no need to modify existing code to keep them working, 
though without modifications they (eg. Whisky vs. GRHydro) might display 
the same inconsistencies that they currently do

ET paper:
* Ian will expand the section on Kranc to 1 page
* Josh and Christian will work on the GRHydro evolution section based on 
text that Christian will (has) commit(ted)
* Josh will work through the introduction section and add bibtex entries 
for the missing references to einsteintoolkit.bib (from a bibtex file of 
a review of his own). We want to keep the number of bibtex files used to 
a minimum.
* Christian will work on the EOS section (5.5) to describe EOS_Omni, in 
particular the tabulated EOS support. Will do so after finishing other 
work this week.
* Peter will move the Tracker description into the analysis section, 
TmunuBase into the base thorn section. This leaves the relativity tools 
section short so it will be merged/restructured.
* Roland will merge the AMR section in 5.8.3 with the one in the Carpet 
section 4.3
* Roland will move the Boundary conditions section in 5.8 into the 
Boundary conditions subsection of the evolution section
* collect ideas for future work, and acknowledgments. Frank will compile 
them into a coherent text near the end of the paper writing process
* examples:
** spinning BH: Peter has tapered runs and sees 4th order convergence
** BBH: Bruno does not see 4th order convergence. Tapering might help. 
For now Bruno will analyze the data he has and it will be decided based 
upon these if we want tapering. Otherwise list reasons why we do not see 
4th order convergence (time interpolation, moving punctures, outer 
boundary conditions, ...).
** TOV: Frank has evolution data for a strongly perturbed TOV, where he 
sees the fundamental mode frequency and multiples of it but no higher 
modes. To see higher modes a weaker perturbation and more accuracy seems 
** TOV collapse: Christian has collapse parfile (and data?) ready, will 
commit later this week
** all: please commit parameter files and data if possible
** parameter files will be made public on a paper page
** if you have experience with the utility thorns (Timers, Formaline, 
others that were mentioned after my connections dropped) please consider 
adding them to you parameter file
** add references to physics papers with simulations similar to the examples

* we will have a short status update in the Wednesday Cactus chat this 
week (see http://cactuscode.org/pipermail/users/2011-July/002868.html 
for connection details)


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