[Users] Carpet innards: restriction usage...

Scott Hawley scott.hawley at belmont.edu
Sun Apr 8 18:47:08 CDT 2012

Something like this?


 The way this routine should work:

Pass in the values of the fine level and the course level,
Pass in the grid hierarchy and a grid function or set of grid functions
Call the half-weighted restriction operator(s) for said grid functions(s)
For any coarse grid points adjacent to inner boundary points,
   replace these points with injected/"straight copy" data from the fine grid

Note: currently calling ref_restric_all, but I don't really want to restrict
"all" grid functions. Just some of them...

Much of this routine was "lifted" from LSUDevelopment/Refluxing/src/correct.cc
namespace variables {

  char const * restrict const soln[] = {

  char const * restrict const rhs[] = {

  char const * restrict const none[] = {

} // namespace variables

get_varinds (cGH const * restrict const cctkGH,
             char const * restrict const * restrict const names,
             vector<int>& gis, vector<int>& vis)
  int nvars = 0;
  while (names[nvars]) ++nvars;
  assert (gis.empty());
  assert (vis.empty());

void BruiserRestrict(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {


  CCTK_VInfo(CCTK_THORNSTRING,"reflevel = %d, mglevel = %d", reflevel,mglevel);

  CCTK_WARN(0,"BruiserRestrict: No clue what to do here.  Aborting.");
/*  Something like...
    vector<int> gis, vis;
    get_varinds (cctkGH, variables::soln, gis, vis);
    CCTK_INT const nvars = gis.size();
    int const tl = 0;
    CCTK_REAL time = 0.0;

    int const coarse_vi =
    CCTK_VarIndex ("Brusier::phi");  // What about other variables:  wx, wy, and wz?
    int const coarse_gi = CCTK_GroupIndexFromVarI (coarse_vi);
    assert (coarse_gi >= 0);
    int const coarse_v0 = CCTK_FirstVarIndexI (coarse_gi);
    assert (coarse_v0 >= 0);

  int const fine_vi =
    CCTK_VarIndex ("Brusier::phi");

    for (comm_state state; not state.done(); state.step()) {
      for (int m=0; m<maps; ++m) {
        ggf *const gv =
               AT(coarse_vi - coarse_v0);   // This subtraction does what?
        gv->ref_restrict_all (state, tl, reflevel, mglevel, time);
    } // for state

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