[Users] [Commits] [svn:einsteintoolkit] GRHydro/trunk/src/ (Rev. 419)

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Aug 27 16:24:50 CDT 2012

Hello all,

> The simple fix is to remove the unused declaration.
That was the correct thing to do and I have commited it. This change is
actually part of the proposed changes for GRHydro_InitData (looks like
they are from the same git commit but since I split them up by thorn for
subversion, I missed it).

> I'll try and hunt down why this started to fail now.
This started to fails since a GRHydro commit made GRHydro_reflevel
public (used to be private before) which pushed it into
GRHydro_InitData's context. Not sure why it failed even with this since
apparently DECLARE_CCTK_PARAMETERS creates a new scope after it, so it
should have been at best a shadow variable. Anyhow what happened was
actually the "right thing" and I understand why it happened.

Thank you for being so quick in pointing out the error.


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