[Users] make utils ignoring config file?

Erik Schnetter schnetter at cct.lsu.edu
Fri Feb 7 12:49:56 CST 2014


The utilities use their own makefile prescriptions for building. Quite a few of these are badly written, and contain small errors that make them not build on many systems. Many people don't build the utilities, and these errors thus go undetected for a long time. However, we do want to clean this up.

Can you open a bug report for this, and add all the configuration details and full error message etc. to it?


On Feb 7, 2014, at 9:46 , Vassilios Mewes <vassilios.mewes at uv.es> wrote:

> Hello
> when building with simfactory, configname-utils are built by default..on the cluster i have been building with simfactory, which uses intel mpi, i need to use the -mt_mpi flags in order to successfully build with openmp..
> building the configuration works fine with that, however, when building the utils (using simfactory or manually with 
> $make configname-utils
> i get the following errors:
> ld: MPIR_Thread: TLS definition in /afs/@cell/common/soft/intel/ics2013/impi/4.1.3/lib64/libmpi_mt.so section .tbss mismatches non-TLS definition in /afs/@cell/common/soft/intel/ics2013/impi/4.1.3/lib64/libmpi.so section .bss
> /afs/@cell/common/soft/intel/ics2013/impi/4.1.3/lib64/libmpi.so: could not read symbols: Bad value
> make[1]: *** [/ran/u/mvass/cactus/Cactus/exe/ET_INTEL_SIM/carpet2xgraph] Error 1
> make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
> and the same for all utilities trying to be built
> those were precisely the errors i got around by usingt he -mt_mpi flags and using -lmpi_mt library in my config file...
> it however seems that this is ignored for the build of the utils...
> I have actually never used them before, but it seems strange that they canot be built while the Toolkit exe compiles just fine..
> best wishes,
> Vassili
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Erik Schnetter <schnetter at cct.lsu.edu>

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