[Users] Meeting Minutes

Frank Loeffler knarf at cct.lsu.edu
Mon Mar 24 08:50:49 CDT 2014

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 09:17:38AM -0700, Roland Haas wrote:
> Git transition:
> * we will combine related thorns into common repositories
> * keep some thorns (ExternalLibraries that contain tarballs) in svn
> * Erik to create a proposed list of repositories and thorns in them on
> the wiki

Actually I volunteered, and you can view the list here:


See this as proposal. This essentially puts every thorn into its own
repository, but combines:

- PITTNullCode
- GRHydro
- CactusExamples
- CactusTest
- CactusWave

It also leaves out ExternalLibraries, at least for now. When we are
going to move to the proposed mechanism, these repositories would need
to be created from scratch anyway.


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