[Users] Meeting Minutes for 2015-02-09

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Mon Feb 9 10:26:21 CST 2015

Hello Matt,

> Oh, rats, I didn't know this was on the agenda or I'd have called
> in. Please do let me know what I can do to help out.  The last time
> I looked at the code I'd written, it was parsing many but not all
> cases of the datasets correctly; IIRC, Steve and Frank had it mostly
> working with some issues at coincident processor/level boundaries?  I
> confess I don't know where Sherwood's project was left.
No issue. This was not listed on the official agenda since it only came
up again while talking with someone locally today (before the phone
call). Your code makes three attempts then? LSU, Caltech and you?

> What would be the best thing for me to try to do to support the
> efforts?
I think most interesting (at least for me who was not involved) would be
to see hear what the current status is and to maybe see the current code
in case someone wants to give it another try out of shear frustration
with other visualization software.


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