[Users] meeting minutes for 2017-11-27

Roland Haas roland.haas at physics.gatech.edu
Tue Nov 28 12:04:21 CST 2017

Hello all,

> Noted. However the old tutorial that is still being referenced is out of 
> date in that it works on the assumption that installation requires a 
> different/special config for debian/fedora, etc. It doesn't note that 
Isn't that still the case for the release version (it seems that some
stuff in generic.cfg was backported but that still leaves the issue of
packages required)? The tutorial explicitly and intentionally targets
the release version of the ET so it can only use method present in the
release code.

> you probably want mpicc in your path, etc. My belief is that we should 
> probably stop referencing it and focus on improving the Jupyter based one.
I agree with with the improve the jupyter one, disagree with the no
longer referencing it (until the jupyter one is a full replacement).

> Note that the notebook in the repo has been updated to address many of 
> the above issues. I will ask Craig to update it on the tutorial machine.
Who can currently edit the jupyter notebook in the repo? Also it may be
good to have a README or so (ideally a filter on the server side) with
instructions in how to commit to the jupyter ipynb notebook. At minimum
this seems to require (to make conflict resolution possible):

* clear all output cells before comitting
* preserve whichever jupyter version the notebook is for (there's at
  least 2 incompatible ones that I have encountered) using 

Option stuff:

* clear timestamps
* https://nbconvert.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html#convert-notebook
* probably more

More on this topic:

* https://gist.github.com/pbugnion/ea2797393033b54674af


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