[Users] Meeting Minutes 2020-09-17

Steven R. Brandt sbrandt at cct.lsu.edu
Thu Sep 17 09:48:25 CDT 2020

Present: Roland, Steve, Alois Peter, Miguel Gracia, Sam, Yosef, Ken 
Sible, Maria, Zach, Helvi

Chair: Roland
Minutes: Steve

BBH galery example: changed the colors and the mass factors. Will make 
one line dashed. This will be used on the website.

Vote to include/exclude ReadInterpolate thorn. Reads in Cactus 3D output 
files and interpolates. No objections were raised.

SPEC benchmark needs to not be forgotten (last brought up in March). 
Erik was involved last time.

Hosting cactuscode.org on github. Roland made a lot of progress in 
updating it. Only a few outstanding issues remain.

Update on the LaTeX interpreter. Greatly enhancing the robustness of 
indexed expressions. How to distinguish between an upper index 2 and a 
2nd power. Use double curly braces for an exponent. Use double curly 
braces for an exponent. Steve suggests a \pow{} macro. Currently, double 
curly braces signify exponent. Working on handling diacriticals. Expect 
to show off more next week.

Unanswered questions: Atul and Federico

No new bugs. Fixing smalling things.

#2385 incorrect looping boundary macro issue.

Please look at tickets ready for review.

Managed to spin up 184 cores for the tutorial on Friday, so if anyone 
needs to do that again, we can.

@Steve & @Roland: Need to write down tasks for the release coordinator.

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