[Users] The generaion of initial data of BNS system with large mass ratio using Lorene

白济民 beki-cat at sjtu.edu.cn
Wed Mar 1 01:52:33 CST 2023

Hi everyone:
I intend to use Lorene to generate an unequal mass binary NS system with large q (with mass 1.4 Mo vs 0.2 Mo), that is, a very light NS orbiting around a standard mass NS. However, Lorene code seems to fail to generate .resu file at such large q and I wonder how can that be possible within Lorene. Is it still under development or can it be done by varying parameter settings in the corresponding parcoal file in Lorene/Codes/Bin_star directory?

I also wonder if there is a systematic procedure to adjust the parameter settings of parcoal to generate the initial data of a BNS system with small q?
Thanks in advance!

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