[Users] Compiling ET_2023_11 on Sciama and laptop

Robyn Munoz robyn.munoz at yahoo.fr
Thu Jan 18 11:29:54 CST 2024

Hello everyone,
1) I have been using the 2020_05 version of Einstein Toolkit for a while now and wanted to use mesh refinement with periodic boundaries but can't get it to work. I tried to run the test parameter file repos/carpet/PeriodicCarpet/test/ml-gw1d-small-amr.par and am getting the error  
while executing schedule bin BoundaryConditions, routine PeriodicCarpet::PeriodicCarpet_ApplyBC

  in thorn PeriodicCarpet, file /users/munozr/code/2020_05/Cactus/arrangements/Carpet/PeriodicCarpet/src/periodic.cc:181:

  -> Cannot handle more than one local component
In the PeriodicCarpet thorn documentation I see " it provides correct behaviour for the case where a refinement level overlaps the periodic boundaries, and may therefore be made up of more than one component on the same process " so I think somewhere there, there is an issue so I figured I should try with the latest version of EinsteinToolkit.
2) I got a new laptop Mac Sonoma 14.2.1, so I've been installing the latest Xcode etc. I downloaded EinsteinToolkit 2023_11 and tried to compile it, I ran into issues with SGRID (and DNSdata) and ADIOS2 I see there are tickets about them and I don't need them so I commented them out. Now when I compile the code I get the terminal output and config.log attached. I can't decipher exactly what the issue is from those. Please let me know what I can do to fix this.
3) I also tried to compile ET_2023_11 on the Sciama HPC as well (where the 2020_05 version works well), because of the security of Sciama, I used GetComponents on my laptop, compressed Cactus and scp to Sciama. Then the sciama.ini .cfg .run and .sub files are already included in EinsteinToolkit where I use system/intel64 and intel_comp/2019.2 this gives me the error 
Cactus requires a C++11 compiler -- check your C++ compiler and C++ compiler flags

If using g++ at least version 6 is required, if using icpc use -gxx-name to use libstc++ from g++ at least version 6

Error reconfiguring sim-config
I tried using intel_comp/2020.1 (latest available on sciama) and got the same error (and some module warnings). I found the path to g++ and so tried to add -gxx-name = /opt/apps/compilers/gnu_comp/cfg/9.1.0/intel64/bin/g++ to CXXFLAGS in sciama.cfg but this didn't change anything. Please let me know what I can do to fix this.
Thank you for your help,Robyn
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