[ET Trac] #2485: include complex and real scalar evolution code from Canuda in ET

池田大志 trac-noreply at einsteintoolkit.org
Fri Aug 12 09:22:20 CDT 2022

#2485: include complex and real scalar evolution code from Canuda in ET

 Reporter: Roland Haas
   Status: open
     Type: task
 Priority: major

Comment (by 池田大志):

Hi, I checked the thorn, and I have several comments. Now, there is not test case, my comment is only about code now. Since I am checking development branch, the line and file name are based on development branch.


In ScalarBase, 

* In line 16th in param.ccl in ScalarBase, we should add absolute value for phi.

* The description of parameters lEF and mEF in param.ccl is misleading. Current version supports only \(lEF,mEF\)=\(0,0\), \(1,1\), \(2,2\) and not \(1,0\),\(2,0\), \(2,1\). \(see 68th line in Scalar\_rhs\_forcing.F90\)

* Is there information about external force as document ? I can not find it.


In ScalarEvolve,

* In ScalarEvolve, why BSSN-like variables are public ? Since same name variables are used in other thorn \(like lean\_public\) and they are just auxiliary field to calculate rhs of the equations, private is better for them.

* In Scalar\_calc\_Tmunu.F90, in Scalar\_calc\_Tmunu, xx and rr should be private in OpenMP in grid loop.

* In current version, in Scalar\_calc\_Tmunu, "compute\_fluxes==1" and "use\_jacobian=false" is not available....Should we add the comments in param file ? 

* In Scalar\_ord4\_calc\_rhs.F90, line 638th and 639th \(def sn1 and sn2\) can be outside grid loop ? or should the excision procedure be separated as independent thorn ?

* Also, Rout\_excision1, Rout\_excision2, Rin\_excision1, Rin\_excision2 can be outside grid loop ?

* In schedule, flux grid function is allocated, and Scalar\_zero\_densities is called when compute\_fluxes is true. But, in Scalar\_zero\_densities, flux grid functions are initialized only when use\_jacobian is false. So, if compute\_fluxes is true and use\_jacobian is true, flux grid function is not initialized.


In ScalarInit

* In ID\_SF\_BS, bh mass assumed to be one ? There is parameter m\_plus, but, it is not used appropriately.... for example, line 40th and 41th.

* In ID\_SF\_BS, since wR and wI are free parameters, I recommend to add reference value as list for each spin parameter. Leaver method does not convergence for wR and wI which are not eigenvalue of the boundary value problem.

* In schedule, comment in line 51th is wrong.

* The description of parameter ampSF is "amplitude of Gaussian wave packet". The parameter is used in "ID\_SF\_calc\_Gaussian.c", but also "ID\_SF\_calc\_Const.c". In second case, the description for the parameter is wrong.


Ticket URL: https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2485/include-complex-and-real-scalar-evolution
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