[Users] Machines used with the Einstein Toolkit

Roland Haas rhaas at illinois.edu
Tue Nov 22 13:36:57 CST 2016

Hello all,

I am not sure if I can run anything on cori (not sure what system the
allocation is good for) but I can log in and have already signed up for
edison so can also run on cori.


> On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 12:19:50PM -0700, Erik Schnetter wrote:
> >NERSC's largest machine is Cori. I would add it to the list above, as >it is
> >in some way a successor of Edison.  
> Right. Do you have access to it, and would maybe even volunteer running there?
> >You mention that "Stampede is about to be decommissioned". Do you have >a
> >link and a date for this? Without mentioning Stampede 2, that statement
> >alone is confusing; we should be careful since our release announcement
> >will highlight this note.  
> When you log in to Stampede, you get this:
>                            --- Stampede 2 is coming ---                          --- Stampede 1 will start phased decommissioning in January 2017 ---                  --- The KNLs are now available <> Start migrating today ---           https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user-news/-/news/101909              https://portal.tacc.utexas.edu/user-guides/stampede#knl
> Frank

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