[Users] MPI error in tutorial for new users

Praveer Krishna max.praveer at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 02:42:48 CDT 2020

Dear ET Users,

I'm a beginner attempting to follow the Jupyter tutorial for new users. I
have been able to  successfully run the helloworld.par and tov_ET.par files
with procs set to 1 but I'm having issues when I try to use multiple
processors on my laptop.
I initially got this error <https://imgur.com/a/cuLLp79> saying "mpirun:
not found", following which I installed Open MPI on my system. The error
persisted, so I removed Open MPI and installed mpich instead. This
seemingly fixed the issue, but I received another error
<https://imgur.com/gdXSqCj> saying "CACTUS_NUM_PROCS is set to 4 but there
are 1 MPI processes"

I found one
or two
previous queries regarding this exact error, but the suggestions have not
worked for me so far. Having never worked with MPI before, I am not sure
what else I should try.

I'd be grateful for a few words of advice on this issue from anyone in the
Thank you in advance for your time.

Praveer Krishna
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