[Users] Meeting Minutes 2020-11-19

Gabella, William E b.gabella at Vanderbilt.Edu
Thu Nov 19 09:50:34 CST 2020

Present:  Samuel C, Bill G, Roland H, Peter D, Miguel G, Zach E, Steve B,
Yosef Z, Maria BH, Ken S

Chair: Samuel C
Minutes: Bill G

* SPEC benchmark contribution 
[https://bitbucket.org/einsteintoolkit/tickets/issues/2470 task] [RH, SB]

Steve, Assume no one has done anything yet, but to keep on the agenda.
Should start in December.

* upcoming release planning (1.5 weeks to go, -1 weeks to feature 
freeze, -1 weeks to have everything reviewed) [RH]

Roland, weeks to go, freeze was last week, no more changes.  Name is as 
Nov 30th is the release, Monday after Thanksgiving.  Gallery examples, 
two are
finished and uploaded, BNS and scalar wave example. Work by Miguel and 
Miguel, has uploaded everything.  Steve, trying to get the Mathematica 
setup right.
Needs to have a couple of different packages installed and X windows.  
Have not
had luck with LSU running X11 back to his machine.  Will try to get 
around any
firewalls, or go into the office.  Tried downloading to laptop on 
Windows partition
will not run SimulationTools executable from Windows.  Steve wants a 
Python script
to make the plots.  Done in the next week.  Bill, has run Poisson and 
looks fine.
Made the Visit plot.

** release name: DeWitt-Morette

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A9cile_DeWitt-Morette Besides physics 
mathematics, she is famous for starting the Les Houches School of Physics,
https://www.houches-school-physics.com/en/ .

** release date: November 30th
** Gallery test runners search [[Release Details]] [RH]
Single, stable neutron star] [Miguel Gracia] (done)
Multi Patch Scalar Wave Equation] [Rahime Matur] (done)
Poisson equation] [Bill Gabella] (in progress)
Binary neutron star] [Beyhan Karakaş] (done)
Binary black hole GW150914] [Steve Brandt] (in progress)

** release testsuite 
[http://einsteintoolkit.org/testsuite_results/index.php status]

Roland, Not a lot of news.  Did re-run on supported clusters, fixed the 
two punctures
failure, it required running with higher resolution.  Fixed a bug in 
Carpet's flipped in one
direction.  Affected the PETSc test on Queen Bee.  Golub cluster has the 
largest number
of failures, is using Intel and Slurm.  Stampede does better than 
Golub.  Maybe Intel
compiler is defaulting to more agressive compilation.

Roland, drafted a release announcement and Maintainers should have a 
copy.  Please
read and make comments.  Two persons are new: Jonah Miller (doc Kranc) 
and Matthew Ely
(Llama support).  If there are others please tell Roland so he can get 
permissions and their
names in the Zenodo and citation.

Tickets marked for the upcoming release]

Open bugs of severity major or worse]

Roland, Tkt #2479 has existed for some time and   ..  You can depend on 
of Thorns that are not active, which it should not.  Saw in some of the 
testsuite tests.
Thorn needed to compile even if not used in calculation.  Not a crucial bug.

* [https://www.einsteintoolkit.org/tools/unanswered.php unanswered 
question on mailing list] / 
open tickets sorted by update time] / 
tickets ready for review]

* any other business

Steve, we are not meeting next week, Thanksgiving in the US. Next 
meeting Thursday
December 3rd---Roland is chair and Miguel is minute taker.

Zach, LaTeX parser update with Ken.  Working on parsing the BSSN 
equations as exist in
Baumgarte's Spherical NR and Baikal.  Mostly functionally where we need 
to be.  Working
on the documentation.  Also a nice Unit Testing infrastructure---cannot 
rely on Sympy
simplification being very deterministic, so created a novel method 
involving hashing
symbols into high precision numbers.  Using Sympy's multiprecision 
math.  Used to
evaluate that expressions are equivalent.  Roland, Probing with floating 
point numbers,
what about exact math, fractions, etc.  Zach, good idea.

William Gabella
Research Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Nashville, TN USA
(o) 615-343-2713

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